A welcome that listens to you

It is with passion that Isabelle, Sylvette et Emilie will be happy to provide you with information and advise you on your stay.

Outdoor activities

Nadège Marboutin - Responsible for outdoor activities at the Foix Arège Pyrénées Tourist Office

Nadège is as exciting as she is passionate when she talks about hiking, cycling and trails. With her, things are moving!

Brilliant commercial service

Eden, Pierre Laboisse, President and CEO of Aledia, a leader in nanowire-based MicroLED technologies for the displays of tomorrow et Roxane have 1000 ideas per minute. With them, there is no doubt, ideas flow and come to life!

The direction

Mathieu Lagarde - Director of the Foix Ariège Pyrénées Tourist Office

Mathieu is the figurehead of our Office for staying the course.

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